The 1977-78
West York Wrestling
YCIAA (14-0) Championship Team

1/10/09 - The recognition of 78' team/coaches @ Dallastown match.
(L-R) Rod Stough, Don Botterbusch, John Silar, Dave Stram, Larry Gay,
Barry Gay, Bruce Stambaugh, Randy Blasdell, John T. Toggas,
John Sprenkle & Don Lehman.
Photo by Samuel Toggas, R.Ph.

1/10/09 West York 1977-78 Championship Reunion Team Photo
Front (L-R) Donald Botterbusch, Bruce Stambaugh, Rod Stough, John Silar.
Back Row (L-R) Larry Gay, Barry Gay, Coach Don Lehman, Randy Blasdell,
Dave Stram, Head Coach John T. Toggas, Asst. Coach John Sprenkle.
Photo by Samuel Toggas, R.Ph.

Good People - Good Times - Good
7127 Lincoln Highway West - Thomasville, PA 17367
Greg & Linda Turchetta, owners.

Mr. T's had the BEST Wings in York!

Thanks to Randy Blasdell
The West York Wrestling Booster
Club, West York HS AD Roger Czerwinski,
The West York Wrestling Coaching Staff,
West York Wrestling Cheerleaders,
Rick Blasdell,
(superb job w/team photo
and the fans of the 70's, and especially to...
Lisanne Gray &
Mr. T's...
Mr. T's post '78 reunion mixer!

▪▪ At the post-match reunion get together at Mr. T's in Thomasville.
Randy Blasdell is making a strong point about the 1978 team!
In the background - Dave Stram (eating), John Silar
& West York HS Asst. Basketball Coach, Ed Kessler.
Photo by Samuel Toggas, R.Ph.

▪ At the post-match reunion get together at Mr. T's in Thomasville.
Photo by Samuel Toggas, R.Ph.

▪ At the post-match reunion get together at Mr. T's in Thomasville.
(L-R) 78 WY Wrestler Bruce Stambaugh and Coach Don Lehman.
(Both ESSC/ESU Grads!)
Photo by Samuel Toggas, R.Ph.

At the post-match reunion get together at Mr. T's in Thomasville.
(L-R) 78 West York Wrestlers Rod Stough (West Virginia U. Alum)
and Randy Blasdell (Lehigh U. Alum...) reminisce about the days.
Photo by Samuel Toggas, R.Ph.

▪ At the post-match get together at Mr. T's in Thomasville.
"How do I get one of those 14-0 seasons...
& a great Josten's Championship Ring?!?"
Brian Gross (above) - current West York Wrestling Coach.
Photo by Samuel Toggas, R.Ph.
Larger Photo of 78' Reunion
